Blog Post

COVID-19 vaccinations

  • By Laura Dunston
  • 15 Dec, 2020

They have been approved by the FDA.  Now what?

The mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna have been evaluated by the FDA and have been proved both safe and effective.  Because the vaccines will be shipped to hospitals and long-term care facilities first, we EXPECT to receive the vaccine in late winter 2021.  Because the storage restrictions on the Moderna vaccine are less stringent, we expect to receive the vaccine made by Moderna.  But of course many factors will play into when we will receive the vaccine and from whom.  We will keep our patients informed as information is passed along to us. 
By Laura Dunston October 6, 2018
By Laura Dunston September 8, 2018
We can administer the vaccine to any patient over the age of 50.  No prescription required.  A booster shot will be needed after 2-6 months.  Please be aware that the vaccine will cause FLU-LIKE SYMPTOMS (headache, low-grade fever, body aches) the day after administration in about half of those who receive the vaccine.  Please your visit accordingly.

Laura Dunston, PharmD administers vaccines for our pharmacy, so please make sure she is working before you arrive for your vaccine. 

Shingrix is billed to Medicare Part D, so copayments vary.  $0 copay for UnitedHealthcare, Catamaran, Federal Employee's Benefit plan, and Prime Therapeutics. Exclusions apply.  Call for pricing.
By Laura Dunston August 16, 2018
If you have a thyroid medication at home that you purchased at The Drug Store, you can rest assured.  It has not been recalled.  We have never dispensed the affected brand.
By Laura Dunston August 16, 2018

1. Free Pharmacy App : Most pharmacies now have a smart phone app available for download. Most of the apps on the market today make reordering your prescriptions a lot easier. Instead of calling in or even going online all you have to do is open the app on your phone and either type in the RX number or scan the barcode on the bottle. Utilizing an app with take something that use to be a hassle and make it literally a “less than 30 second” process.

2. How do you want to be notified : Pharmacies now have the ability to notify you when your prescriptions are ready in many different ways. Phone call, text or email. The newest way being via text message. Utilizing this service can really cut down on wasted trips to the pharmacy to see if your medications are ready. Let you pharmacy know how you want to be contacted. If your pharmacy doesn’t offer any of these services specifically “Text notifications” then I would consider switching to a more technologically updated pharmacy.

3. Sync: I know... What the heck does that mean?  If you are on multiple medications or you take care of someone who is then I don’t have to ask you how many times a month you go to the pharmacy to pick up medications. What we refer to as “Sync” is where we fill all of your or your family’s medications at the same time each month. We assign you and your family a specific staff member that you will specifically interact with each month. This will cut down the number of trips to the pharmacy and help make dealing with your medications a little easier. If your pharmacy doesn’t offer this service or says they do but it never works out then I would consider switching pharmacies.

4. Free Delivery : Delivery services can make a huge difference in someones life. Some people can’t get out and can’t pick up their medications. Sometimes the pharmacy is not open when patients get off work. It doesn't matter the reason, as long as you let us know you need delivery by 2pm Monday-Friday, we will make it happen.

5. Online refills and profile access: Have you ever called your pharmacy to get a list of your prescription expenses for your taxes?Yes you have, but did you know that you can now print those at home by logging into your pharmacy profile. Most pharmacies now have online refill request and where you can go into your medication profile from home and print reports.

6. Compliance Packaging: A must for someone who takes multiple medications throughout the day!  If you or a loved one takes multiple medications a day we can package them in what I like to describe as a pre-filled med planner.  We first “Sync” your medications then we package them based on date and time. This packaging can help manage medication and increases compliance. This description did not do this program justice so please visit our website for a more complete picture.

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